Honey ants on a leaf
Honey ants

How Long Do Honeypot Ants Live?

Honeypot ants are a species of ant that stores food in its abdomen and swells up like a honeypot.

Honeypot ants have a longer life span than other ants and can live up to eight years. Most honeypot ants live deep in the colony nest. Predators find it more challenging to get them so deep down, giving them an even longer lifespan than most!

What do honeypot ants eat?

The primary food source for honeypot ants is sweet nectar collected from flowers. The workers will often kill insects such as caterpillars, wasps and termites and feed their body fat to the honeypot ants ready for the others in the colony.

How do honeypot ants feed each other?

The honeypot ants will feed the other ants in the colony via mouth-to-mouth. They store the food in the abdomens and hand it out as and when they.

What do honeypot ants do in the winter?

The honeypot ants hibernate during winter, emerging in spring when there is more food about.

How big are honeypot ants?

Honeypot ants are typically between 0.2 and 0.4 inches (5-10 mm) in length.

What animals eat honeypot ants?

Various animals, including birds, lizards, and small mammals, eat honeypot ants.

What are the preditors of a honeypot ant?

Predators of honeypot ants include birds, lizards, and small mammals.

Which country do honeypot ants live in?

Honeypot ants are found in many parts of the world, including Australia, Africa, and the Americas.

Do honeypot ants bite?

Yes, they can bite if they feel threatened.

What happens if a honey ant bites you?

If a honeypot ant bites you, it may cause a mild stinging sensation.

What are honeypot ants filled with?

Honeypot ants are filled with a sugary liquid, which they use to store food.

Are honeypot ants dangerous to humans?

No honeypot ants are not dangerous to humans. They may bite but will only be a mild stinging sensation.


With their excellent supply of food from the worker ants and the lack of predator attacks, we now know that these ants can live up to eight years.

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Teresa Milne

Teresa is learning zoology and loves to share her knowledge through her articles. She is also a avid binge watcher of wild animal documentary's. Teresa has some pets that she adores two dogs, two cats, and one hamster. She has also studied canine behaviour and canine nutrition.